Incident Recorded
The board would like to remind our members that ALL members must follow ALL rules! It is the responsibility of the member that their guests are properly supervised and following said rules!
Members in violation are subject to disciplinary action.
"Under a Green Flag, or any time members are down range, all firearms must remain encased or already placed at the firing line, unloaded and with actions open. Members and guests must remain clear of the firing line. Under no circumstances may any person, member of guest, handle firearms or cross to the firing line."
Repeated incidences may cause the range to require that there be a certified Range Officer on site with scheduled hours of operation!
Finally, all members are required to have a member number badge clearly visible, and have their SCRGC membership card on their person while at the SCRGC Ranges. All members must sign in and our in the range use log book, and all guests must have guest slips completed prior to range use. These are policies of both the SCRGC, and of our liability insurance.
Both upper and lower ranges have surveillance cameras for the safety of our membership.
They are reviewed on a regular basis.